What is Inbound Marketing?

What is Inbound Marketing?

2014 Sales Meeting – Marketing Homework

Excerpt from my sales training presentation introducing SPOC’s Automation Education Series

Through this blog we will share our experience and knowledge with everyone interested in learning how to optimize their pumping operations.

Oilfield pump automation is our specialty. We have been providing leading-edge drive systems for beam pumps, injection pumps, ESPs, jet pumps and progressive cavity pumps for more than 20 years. Along the way we have learned a thing or two, and we are happy to pass those lessons on to our readers. (more…)

Thoughts from Wordcamp B’ham

Thoughts from Wordcamp B’ham

The WordCamp Birmingham event took place at the Harbert Center on beautiful Saturday. I was able to be a part of some unique presentations and discussions during the one-day conference. The topics ranged from hardcore SEO programming to creative typography chit-chat. It was my first WordCamp event and I was very thankful for this useful blog post for event newbies to help guide me. (more…)

What is UX?

What is UX?

The term user experience (UX) in the web dev/design world has many different assumptions. According to some of Birmingham’s most notable digital marketing minds – user experience is deeper than you may think.

Sean Brasher from Intermark, Will Sansbury from Daxko, Matt Landers from Platypi and Brian Cauble from Intermark talked about the idea of UX during the panel format discussion at a local tech event this past week. Each panel member gave a brief statement as to what they thought user experience represented. The common thread between all of the panel members was user observation. (more…)

How do you use video?

How do you use video?

Millions of people are watching video online, especially as a means to better understand products and services. You know you need a landing page; maybe you even want to run some A/B tests. If you’re asking yourself “when will a video help my landing page?”, here are some questions you can ask yourself. (more…)