Are you going to #INBOUND15?

Are you going to #INBOUND15?

Simon Sinek and My First INBOUND Adventure

What can I say… I am a huge Simon Sinek fan. My personal following of Simon started with the infamous “Golden Circle” TedTalk on YouTube. After watching the talk – I immediately went to the website to learn more about this random personality talking about finding your why. I read his book, “Start with Why” and it has helped me change my perspective how to lead and pursue my own why.

“Imagine a world where people wake up inspired to go to work. Imagine a world in which trust and loyalty are the rule rather than the exception.” – Simon Sinek, author of Start with Why

If you watched the above video you will pick up on the theme of leadership and how that transpires into our work place. The talk was inspirational to update my perspective, again, on how we go about living out our why. It is truly important to continue to focus on your personal why for marriage, relationships, career and life.

I had the opportunity to go to INBOUND 2014 in Boston, MA to hear Simon Sinek speak along with other great speakers, break out sessions and networking opportunities. The time was well spent on last year’s conference.

Follow me for the upcoming fun on Twitter and Instagram.


Simon Sinek at INBOUND 2014

Simon Sinek and Drew Franklin at INBOUND 2014 in Boston, MA


So, what are you waiting for?

Mailchimp Email Template Design [Download]

Mailchimp Email Template Design [Download]

If you own a small startup or a thriving business, there is always something to do. The list of things to do probably matches the things not to do. But, I would like to help ease the stress of one thing – right now.

How about I give you four email marketing design templates to jump start the “to do” list?

The list includes newsletter, video announcement and two other options:

Please feel free to use the templates however best fits your email marketing needs. Do you still feel confused where to start or wondering why email marketing is important for your business?

I would like to direct your attention to a newly published field guide for email marketing from MailChimp. Enjoy!

The 2015 Video Marketing Cheat Sheet via Animoto [Infographic]

The 2015 Video Marketing Cheat Sheet via Animoto [Infographic]

Did you know that there are more than 7 billion videos watched each and every day on Facebook and YouTube? One thing is clear: customers are hungry for video. Our recent survey confirms that businesses that are using video have a leg up in 2015.

Some of the highlights of our survey include the following stats:

  • 4 times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it.
  • 1 in 4 consumers actually lose interest in a company if it doesn’t have video.
  • Customers are nearly 50% more likely to read email newsletters that include links to video.
  • 4 in 5 consumers say a video showing how a product or service works is important.

While video marketing has become one of the most popular content tactics for B2B companies, creating enough content to keep those strategies humming is still an uphill battle for many. You hear it all the time: “We plan to create more content, we just need to come up with some new ideas.” (more…)

The Ultimate Guide to Create an Explainer Video via QuickSprout

The Ultimate Guide to Create an Explainer Video via QuickSprout

Every day 100 million Internet users watch an online video.

Video is one of the most powerful forms of social media content. If you’re not sharing video, but your competitor is, then they have a persuasion tool you don’t. You need video if you want to get in the game, and explainer videos are an easy way to do that.

“Videos Increase People’s Understanding Of Your Product Or Service by 74%.” – Digital Sherpa

American audiences are constantly engaging in online video viewing. In June 2013, 85.2% of US internet users watched video and the total number of videos viewed reached 44 billion, a 7% increase from May (source). As the most popular online video publisher, YouTube receives over 1 billion unique users per month who watch over 6 billion hours of video (source).


5 Resources That Will Help Inspire Your Marketing

5 Resources That Will Help Inspire Your Marketing

In the ever changing world of digital marketing – it is nice to find some inspiration for creation. We need to take a few deep breaths and smell the roses for just a few seconds before we send another email blast or social media post. Maybe you are like me? You try to find the most optimal way and position your company in front of the best target market. After all, as marketers, it is our jobs to educate, inform and even delight our customers/prospects with the appropriate material. (more…)