Press Play on the Premiere Pro 101 Video Course

Press Play on the Premiere Pro 101 Video Course

From beginner to expert Premiere Pro user in one pot of coffee.

Have you ever been caught between a rock and a hard spot when editing video? I remember the first time I was asked to produce a marketing video for my company. It was a very simple but daunting task to accomplish. I started with drafting a story, setting up proper lighting, shooting an interview with employees, make sure to get enough B-roll and capture solid audio. Finally, I upload everything to my computer and start the edit. The problem was I have never used Premiere Pro before for editing video. Like any other sharp marketing professional – I turned to YouTube for tutorials and hours of confusion.


All the cool companies use Hubspot. Why not you?

All the cool companies use Hubspot. Why not you?

People have transformed how they consume information, research products and services, make purchasing decisions and share their views and experiences. The customer is more in control than ever — and tunes out traditional sales and marketing messages more than ever. Yet businesses still rely on the same sales and marketing playbook they have used for more than a decade. This mismatch in buyer behavior and company tactics is what led Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah to start HubSpot in 2006 and create the vision for the inbound experience. (more…)

Open your eyes to analytics

Open your eyes to analytics

Open your eyes to analytics

Future of member growth & engagement

We have made some changes to the way you will see into your impact. Your time is a valuable investment. The goal of this update is to help measure the value of your time investment. Learn more about how analytics will help improve future return on investment. (more…)