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What is UX?

Written By Drew Franklin

On August 26, 2014

The term user experience (UX) in the web dev/design world has many different assumptions. According to some of Birmingham’s most notable digital marketing minds – user experience is deeper than you may think.

Sean Brasher from Intermark, Will Sansbury from Daxko, Matt Landers from Platypi and Brian Cauble from Intermark talked about the idea of UX during the panel format discussion at a local tech event this past week. Each panel member gave a brief statement as to what they thought user experience represented. The common thread between all of the panel members was user observation.

Some key takeaways from the event:

  • Understand what your client’s needs instead of what they want
  • Always check the data to validate what you are designing
  • Technology has changed the way we experience data and information (ex. iPhone/iPad)
  • Homework read – The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web (recommendation by Sean Brasher)

I’ve had the privilege to work on a few projects that required some “user experience” type research. I agree with what most of the panelist discussed the local tech event. Every company needs to analyze their own user experience process from website to order entry to the warranty/customer service department. No company is excluded from this idea.

Here are some myths about UX from Mashable:

  • UX is too Soft; it’s not Based on Anything
  • Anyone Can Do UX
  • UX is Too Expensive
  • UX is Just Interaction Design

Feel free to read the explanation of each myth here. Below is an excerpt from the post that stuck out in user experience summary.

“Hardcore UX begins with tactical, organizational activities. Big gains start coming when an organization leverages design-thinking and a user experience mindset through knowledge sessions, co-design sessions and organizational research. Internal UX people or external consultants can carry out these activities.”

Have any other thoughts about User Experience or UX as the cool kids call it?




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