The Playbook

The Shop Talk Podcast Playbook is your ultimate resource for launching a successful podcast, offering expert tips, tools, and strategies to get you started. Whether you’re new to podcasting or looking to elevate your show, this guide covers everything from equipment recommendations to production techniques.

1. Overall Podcast Concept


  • “The Shop Talk Podcast”


  • Deliver valuable insights and thought leadership tailored for B2B marketing and business leaders.
  • Provide a platform for discussing industry trends, sharing best practices, and exploring innovative strategies.

Tone and Style:

  • Professional and authoritative, yet conversational and engaging.
  • Balanced mix of in-depth analysis and accessible discussions.


  • Interview-Style: Engaging conversations with top marketing and business leaders.
  • Narrative Episodes: Deep dives into significant trends, case studies, or company stories.
  • Roundtables: Group discussions featuring multiple perspectives on key issues.
  • Mini-Series: Focused series exploring specific themes or topics in depth.

2. Style Guide


  • B2B marketing strategies and trends.
  • Leadership and management insights.
  • Innovation and technology in marketing.
  • Success stories and case studies.
  • Future outlook and market predictions.

Intro/Outro Elements:

  • Intro: Dynamic music intro with a standard introduction script introducing the podcast and its purpose.
  • Outro: Recap of key points, call-to-action, and teaser for the next episode.

Segment Templates:

  1. Opening Segment: Introduction of the topic and guest(s).
  2. Main Discussion: In-depth exploration of the episode’s theme.
  3. Quick Tips: Practical advice or tips related to the main topic.
  4. Listener Q&A: Answering questions from the audience (if applicable).
  5. Closing Segment: Summary, call-to-action, and teaser for the next episode.

Music/Audio Branding:

  • Choose music that reflects a professional and innovative brand identity.
  • Consistent use of sound effects for transitions.

Guest Criteria:

  • Industry leaders and influential voices in B2B marketing and business.
  • Internal experts from our organization.
  • Customers and partners with compelling success stories.
  • Authors, analysts, and consultants with significant insights.

3. Content Ideas

Podcast Series:

  • “Leadership Insights”: Focus on leadership strategies and experiences from top executives.
  • “Innovation Spotlight”: Highlight innovative technologies and practices in B2B marketing.
  • “Success Stories”: Share compelling case studies and customer success stories.

Seasonal/Timely Updates:

  • Quarterly industry trend updates.
  • Special episodes during major industry events or conferences.
  • End-of-year summaries and predictions for the next year.

Promotional Crossover Shows:

  • Collaborations with other podcasts in the marketing and business sectors.
  • Cross-promotions with industry influencers and partners.

4. Content Calendar (6-12 Months)

Month 1

Episode 1:

  • Title: “The Future of B2B Marketing”
  • Guest: Industry Expert A
  • Talking Points: Key trends, future predictions, impact of technology
  • Call-to-Action: Subscribe for more insights

Episode 2:

  • Title: “Leadership Lessons from the Top”
  • Guest: Executive B
  • Talking Points: Leadership strategies, overcoming challenges, success stories
  • Call-to-Action: Visit our website for more details

Month 2

Episode 3:

  • Title: “Innovative Marketing Technologies”
  • Guest: Innovator C
  • Talking Points: New technologies, implementation strategies, case studies
  • Call-to-Action: Download our whitepaper

Episode 4:

  • Title: “Customer Success: Real Stories”
  • Guest: Customer D
  • Talking Points: Success story, best practices, lessons learned
  • Call-to-Action: Join our upcoming webinar

Month 3

Episode 5:

  • Title: “Roundtable: Marketing Challenges”
  • Guest: Panel of Experts
  • Talking Points: Discussion on current challenges, solutions, industry perspectives
  • Call-to-Action: Follow us on social media

Episode 6:

  • Title: “Quarterly Insights: Q1 Review”
  • Guest: Internal Analyst
  • Talking Points: Quarterly review, key takeaways, upcoming trends
  • Call-to-Action: Sign up for our newsletter

Month 4

Episode 7:

  • Title: “What is a Go-To-Market Strategy?”
  • Guest: Marketing Strategist E
  • Talking Points: Definition, steps to create, examples
  • Call-to-Action: Download our GTM strategy guide

Episode 8:

  • Title: “Integrating Video into Your Marketing Mix”
  • Guest: Video Marketing Specialist F
  • Talking Points: Importance of video, best practices, tools and platforms
  • Call-to-Action: Watch our video marketing webinar

Month 5

Episode 9:

  • Title: “Brand vs. Performance Marketing”
  • Guest: Branding Expert G
  • Talking Points: Differences, benefits of each, integration strategies
  • Call-to-Action: Read our latest blog post on brand vs. performance marketing

Episode 10:

  • Title: “The Role of AI in B2B Marketing”
  • Guest: AI Specialist H
  • Talking Points: AI applications, benefits, case studies
  • Call-to-Action: Download our AI in marketing report

Month 6

Episode 11:

  • Title: “Account-Based Marketing Strategies”
  • Guest: ABM Expert I
  • Talking Points: What is ABM, how to implement, success stories
  • Call-to-Action: Sign up for our ABM workshop

Episode 12:

  • Title: “Maximizing ROI with Marketing Automation”
  • Guest: Automation Specialist J
  • Talking Points: Tools and platforms, implementation tips, measuring ROI
  • Call-to-Action: Download our marketing automation toolkit

Month 7

Episode 13:

  • Title: “Building a Strong B2B Brand Identity”
  • Guest: Brand Strategist K
  • Talking Points: Importance of branding, steps to build, real-world examples
  • Call-to-Action: Register for our brand identity webinar

Episode 14:

  • Title: “Effective Lead Generation Tactics”
  • Guest: Lead Gen Expert L
  • Talking Points: Tactics, tools, measuring success
  • Call-to-Action: Access our lead generation eBook

Month 8

Episode 15:

  • Title: “Data-Driven Decision Making in Marketing”
  • Guest: Data Analyst M
  • Talking Points: Importance of data, tools, best practices
  • Call-to-Action: Join our data-driven marketing course

Episode 16:

  • Title: “Customer Journey Mapping for B2B”
  • Guest: Customer Experience Specialist N
  • Talking Points: Steps to create, benefits, case studies
  • Call-to-Action: Download our customer journey map template

Month 9

Episode 17:

  • Title: “Creating Compelling B2B Content”
  • Guest: Content Marketing Expert O
  • Talking Points: Content types, creation tips, distribution strategies
  • Call-to-Action: Read our content marketing guide

Episode 18:

  • Title: “Harnessing the Power of LinkedIn for B2B Marketing”
  • Guest: LinkedIn Specialist P
  • Talking Points: LinkedIn strategies, tools, success stories
  • Call-to-Action: Follow us on LinkedIn

Month 10

Episode 19:

  • Title: “Strategies for Nurturing B2B Leads”
  • Guest: Sales and Marketing Expert Q
  • Talking Points: Lead nurturing tactics, tools, metrics
  • Call-to-Action: Access our lead nurturing playbook

Episode 20:

  • Title: “Optimizing Your B2B Sales Funnel”
  • Guest: Funnel Specialist R
  • Talking Points: Funnel stages, optimization tips, success metrics
  • Call-to-Action: Download our sales funnel optimization guide

Month 11

Episode 21:

  • Title: “The Importance of Customer Feedback in B2B Marketing”
  • Guest: Customer Success Manager S
  • Talking Points: Collecting feedback, leveraging insights, improving strategies
  • Call-to-Action: Join our customer feedback webinar

Episode 22:

  • Title: “Leveraging Webinars for Lead Generation”
  • Guest: Webinar Specialist T
  • Talking Points: Planning, promotion, execution, follow-up
  • Call-to-Action: Register for our upcoming webinar on lead generation

Month 12

Episode 23:

  • Title: “The Future of B2B Marketing: Trends to Watch”
  • Guest: Industry Analyst U
  • Talking Points: Emerging trends, future outlook, actionable insights
  • Call-to-Action: Subscribe for more insights

Episode 24:

  • Title: “Building and Managing High-Performance Marketing Teams”
  • Guest: HR Specialist V
  • Talking Points: Recruitment, team dynamics, performance management
  • Call-to-Action: Download our guide on building high-performance teams

Episode 25:

  • Title: “The Intersection of Sales and Marketing in B2B”
  • Guest: Sales and Marketing Leader W
  • Talking Points: Collaboration strategies, aligning goals, case studies
  • Call-to-Action: Join our sales and marketing alignment workshop

Episode 26:

  • Title: “Creating an Effective B2B Email Marketing Campaign”
  • Guest: Email Marketing Expert X
  • Talking Points: Campaign planning, best practices, tools and metrics
  • Call-to-Action: Access our email marketing toolkit

Episode 27:

  • Title: “The Benefits of Podcasting for B2B Brands”
  • Guest: Podcasting Specialist Y
  • Talking Points: Podcasting benefits, how to start, success stories
  • Call-to-Action: Download our podcasting for B2B guide

Episode 28:

  • Title: “Using Analytics to Improve Marketing Performance”
  • Guest: Data Analyst Z
  • Talking Points: Key metrics, tools, best practices
  • Call-to-Action: Register for our analytics webinar

Episode 29:

  • Title: “Developing a Content Marketing Strategy for B2B”
  • Guest: Content Strategist AA
  • Talking Points: Strategy development, content types, distribution channels
  • Call-to-Action: Download our content marketing strategy guide

Episode 30:

  • Title: “The Power of Storytelling in B2B Marketing”
  • Guest: Storytelling Expert BB
  • Talking Points: Importance of storytelling, how to craft stories, examples
  • Call-to-Action: Access our storytelling webinar

This comprehensive list ensures a diverse range of topics and insights, providing valuable content for your B2B marketing and business leadership audience.


5. Guest Booking, Production, and Monetization Plan

Guest Booking:

  • Create a guest outreach list with potential guests.
  • Develop a standard outreach email template.
  • Offer incentives like exposure, networking opportunities, and product/service perks.


  • Pre-Production: Research, scripting, and scheduling.
  • Recording: Use professional equipment and software, conduct interviews, and record sessions.
  • Post-Production: Edit audio, add music and sound effects, and finalize episodes.


  • Dynamic Ad Insertion: Insert ads dynamically based on listener demographics.
  • Branded Content: Partner with brands for sponsored episodes or segments.
  • Listener Growth Funnels: Use strategies like email capture, exclusive content, and community engagement to grow the listener base and convert them into customers.

This comprehensive strategy will ensure the podcast is engaging, informative, and aligned with our marketing goals, ultimately helping to strengthen our brand presence and connect with our target audience.

Overview & Preview

5 Chapters

Multiple sections with strategy, content calendar, technology recommendations and tools.

Welcome to “The Shop Talk,” your go-to podcast for all things leadership, marketing, technology, and a sprinkle of random facts that make life interesting. Designed specifically for B2B marketing and business leaders, this podcast is your platform to gain valuable insights, stay ahead of industry trends, and explore innovative strategies that can elevate your business to the next level.

Each episode features engaging conversations with thought leaders, industry experts, and trailblazers who share their knowledge, experiences, and practical advice. Whether you’re looking to refine your leadership skills, master the latest marketing techniques, or simply enjoy a curious fact or two, “The Shop Talk” has something for everyone.

Join us on this journey as we blend professional wisdom with a touch of fun, helping you navigate the ever-evolving business landscape with confidence and creativity. Tune in, learn, and let’s talk shop!

Every LinkedIn post, podcast episode, YouTube video, newsletter send, and community post makes a small deposit in a bucket. Over time, these interactions build brand affinity. They get people to know, like, and trust us. Eventually, enough of those lead to people buying our stuff. For some people it might take 6 months of listening to our podcast.

Dave Gerhardt, CEO at Exit Five

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus.

Dan Waldo

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus.

Jane Smith

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Opportunity is the discovery of a new route to a known destination.