How Do You Add Value?

Written By Drew Franklin

On April 13, 2020

Sometimes you get the question like – What did you do this for? How did you do it? Why did you do it? 

I created something a few weeks ago. I did a podcast interview with myself which got some laughs, got some very interesting comments and got a lot of questions asked. Here are three of those questions from the podcast interview: 

  • What did you do this for? 
  • How did you do it?
  • Why did you do it?

I just wanna take in just a few minutes and just answer those questions ’cause I thought as marketers and content creators- I believe it is something that we need to test and continually try to push ourselves in those categories.

Starting with the first question, what did you do this for? 

At Altec, our marketing team has been challenged to present on topics, trends, different items in our marketing team meetings and bring those up to the team. The example that I brought up was a Wistia article about their top ten content marketing brand marketing predictions for 2020.

The article predicted we are going to see podcasts being the new blog in 2020. I wanted to test- how can we do a podcast.? Is it scalable? Is it truly everything that that brand marketing prediction made? 

To be honest with you, it was awesome! I had the ability to set everything up with just by interviewing myself. Be able to tell my story. 

Then, to take that into a video upload service, much like Microsoft streams and have it auto-transcribe the video. I could write that out into a blog post and take a lot of the video excerpts out into other marketing collateral marketing graphics that you may need. Therefore, I think it did check the box of being scalable and something that could supplement your content marketing efforts.

How did you do it? 

The setup is one DSLR camera and it got really awkward. The one camera remained in the same place and I sat on one side of the table. As you’ll see when I’m going to Premiere Pro and we’re looking at it right now, I set up on one side of the table, had a list of questions I wanted to ask and kind of the flow of the interview. 

One big note, just to make sure you just kind of write it out and draft it. You can have a notebook or something to help prompt questions & answers. But as you can see, I’m literally looking and talking into just another microphone. It is just one of those things and then being able to pull that into Premiere Pro. I’m just talking to myself literally. Then, how was I able to mask another Drew Franklin? On the other side of the table into that. And we’ve made that into one seamless video. 

Basically, I kept that video camera lockdown in that same location. Then brought in the second clip. As you can see in the screen record and just feathered the edge and made at a diagonal angle. 

Some people may be asked – why do diagonal angles, at least for me the way our lights are set up in the Altec video studio. They are at a nice angle and so I just wanted to kind of capture that moment to get a seamless light look. I was able to do that a little bit and I’ve cut off very certain points of the table and that’s another big key. The thing is when you have your set established – make sure not to move stuff at different points when you are on one side of the table.

If you want to try to pull this off, but I thought it was an interesting concept again. 

Why did you do it?

One big thing that I’ve really tried to push, at least for 2020 as a marketer, and really in my personal life as well, how are you adding value?

This idea has become my ‘Why’ for 2020. Whether it’s professional or personal, where are you adding value and how are you adding value? 

And so I would love to just challenge marketers and other professionals. Maybe you even in your personal life, try something new, be able to push around just to every day the mundane, and try something new in a way that just adds value to others. 

I have a gift of really dry humor, and so if I can make a few people laugh during their workday or while they’re kind of an off moment, man, to me, that’s adding value where I’m at now. 

As of this video, I hope to add value that you can take away the fear of jumping into Premiere Pro or setting up a DSLR camera or running lighting and being able to establish nice crisp audio. 

My hope is you will be able to take all those newly learned skills and implement those with your marketing team wherever you are today. If you like this video, please feel free to comment. Share some feedback with me. I’d love to do more content like this in the future. There is a nice freebie that I’m going to try to include. 

But if you click on the link below it should take you to a download page and that’s just something I just want to share with you guys. How am I adding value?

You can definitely download that totally free, and there are some MOGRT files motion graphic templates that you can upload in Premiere Pro to get you a jump start on setting up your videos. The motion graphic templates add that extra flair whether it’s titles and intro bumper and outro bumper.  I hope to be able to add a little bit more of that library in that catalog for you to be able to add that to your video marketing arsenal. 

Again, like subscribe, hit that Bell to get that notification (if you are watching on YouTube). I’m going to try to do a little bit better job of regularly doing some uploads over the next several months and we are testing things. That’s what good marketers should be doing.

Testing, innovating and being able to provide value wherever you are today. Again, thanks for stopping by and I’ll talk to you soon.

1 Comment

  1. Tanya Beck

    Awesome job, Drew!! This is fantastic! 🙂